Climate Policy

CEC spent 10-plus years tracking, helping improve, and advocating for the Strauss Wind Farm, which opened near Lompoc this year with 27 wind turbines, generating enough electricity for 36,000 homes.
Photo by BayWa r.e.


CEC collaborates with a diverse group of passionate and committed community members and partners to enact bold policies that bring equitable climate solutions to scale. When the California Central Coast advances ambitious climate goals and solutions, we illuminate a path for more aggressive policies across the state.

In 2023, CEC:

Scaled up environmental advocacy across city councils, boards of supervisors, and legislative bodies by engaging CEC Climate Activists to support climate policies in their communities.

Successfully campaigned for the City of Port Hueneme and County of San Luis Obispo to join community choice energy programs, bringing the total number of Central Coast residents who have access to clean energy to nearly 1.5 million. CEC is part of a coalition that pushed Central Coast Community Energy to adopt project selection criteria that incorporates strong labor and environmental justice standards
that serve as a model for other community choice energy programs.

Introduced an ecological framework for revitalizing downtown Santa Barbara to guide future development and ensure the well-being of residents and our environment.

What’s Ahead

Advocate for the City and County of Santa Barbara and the cities of Guadalupe and Camarillo to adopt ambitious climate action plans that accelerate state mandates and timelines for reaching zero-carbon goals.

Help advance strong climate policy by signing up to become a CEC Climate Activist. We will only contact you when there is an opportunity to act in your city or county.

Participate in a public meeting to share how decisions are impacting you and your community

Send emails to elected officials to share concerns for or against a policy they are considering

Share opportunities for action with your friends, family, and neighbors

Learn what language services are provided by local governments on the Central Coast


CEC advocates for carbon neutrality and associated targets that go beyond state goals.

In 2023, CEC took 58 policy actions, including writing 9 public comment letters and speaking at fifteen council meetings of local cities and counties. CEC also took action on fifteen state bills, and one federal rulemaking.

In 2022, CEC:

Advocated for Central Coast Community Energy to increase program funding by $11 MILLION to help residents and local agencies adopt clean energy technologies such as electric cars and buses.

Campaigned for the City of Santa Paula to join the Clean Power Alliance, giving more than 30,000 residents a quicker path to 100% renewable electricity.

Worked with a coalition to urge Central Coast Community Energy to pass a Project Selection Criteria that incorporates high standards for labor, environmental justice, and environmental standards. This policy will hopefully be adopted by many other Community Choice agencies around the state.

Following successes in the cities of Santa Barbara and Ojai, advocated for and helped pass an all-electric ordinance for new construction in the County of Ventura.

Encouraged the County of Santa Barbara to fund an Electric Vehicle (EV) Action Plan, hire an EV-focused position, and strengthen fleet purchasing policies to mandate EV sedans, SUVs, and trucks. CEC’s advocacy led to the addition of hundreds of EVs and charging stations for fleet, workplace, and public use.


  • Advocate for carbon neutrality and associated targets that go beyond state goals in six local city and county climate action plans.

  • Pass all-electric ordinances in the cities of Carpinteria and Goleta and the County of Santa Barbara, and continue to promote voluntary incentive programs to help people ditch gas appliances and switch to heat pumps and other highly efficient electric technologies.

  • Push Port Hueneme and Fillmore, the last remaining cities in our region, to join community choice energy programs and move more quickly toward 100% renewable electricity.

  • Continue to advocate for 100% electric vehicle purchasing policies, EV codes to require more charging access in new construction, and programs that make electric vehicle ownership more accessible to all.